Leasing application
Murabaha application


The Project administration and Monitoring, Remedial Department FC LLC “TAIBA FINANCE” provides a full service, insures the object of leasing and collateral for leasing projects.


  • Insurance can be carried out by the lessee or TAIBA FINANCE in accredited insurance companies.
  • Insurance of the leased object and the pledge is carried out for the entire lease term in insurance companies agreed with TAIBA FINANCE.
  • The insurance contract is concluded at a time for the entire lease term (with annual payment of the insurance premium) or for each year of the lease term separately.
  • The sum insured for each insurance period during the insurance period is set at an amount not lower than the actual value of the leased object.
  • Requirements for clients for insurance contracts
Sharapov A.M.

Sharapov Azamat Masharipovich

Head of Risk Management Department


Monday – Friday from 9:00 to 18:00
Lunch from 13:00 to 14:00

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